I was at Starbucks the other day and a friend of mine was talking to me about some things that he has been going through lately...He was shocked at the amount of friends that show up during times of struggle, tragedy, etc. If you think about it it's true, however I don't think it is a bad thing. God works in mysterious ways and sometimes it may take a tragedy to bring someone into or back into your life. LIFE is busy and full of things that we have to do--school, work, cook dinner, study, exercise, the list could go on and sometimes we get caught up in life, but the truth is that when a friend in our life needs something
ESPECIALLY if it is something that is hard for them or there family to deal with our real friends are going to show up. This is a ramble & I feel it is not written well at all but long story short thank you for everyone praying, supporting, and just loving my mom and our family. We wouldn't be able to get through this without your support and all of our friends that continue to point us to our faith and our
AMAZING Father who will always love and take care of us.
I have faith. I have hope. I have love.
Friendship is a special kind of love.
Friends are the family you choose :)