Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Week 2-- a final note from mom.

Week 2

This will be my final note to my blogger daughter Katelyn on the subject of my surgery. I originally thought it would be a drawn out deal, that might help others. It will not be. BECAUSE - thanks to God, I am really doing good and there is not much to talk about. 

I am over the fear I had last week about being able to handle the change in my life. Philipians 4...yep..just spent some time reading, praying..and wow, relief. 

I will continue to pray that I can find ways to feel "normal " again. I do trust, if that is with a hearing implant, diet, etc...I will seek it and do it. 

I do thank each and every person that prayed and thought about my family and me during this time. It was so much more than I expected and really helped us through this. 

I thank my blogger daughter Katelyn Claire for blogging about me. It started as a joke and ended up being a very supportive venue for Kate and me, since we could not be together during this stressful time. 

P.S. I did get the oil out of my hair :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

It's our brain surgery anniversary!

Ok, tonight at 10:30 it will be officially the FIRST POST WEEK of my Brain Surgery.



Should I have done this? I have read a few other AN Patient after surgery blogs...this seems to be a very common one. As we all know, when you have to have a procedure that makes you worse in physical condition, but saves your life in the long run. I can answer this wholly and thankfully, yes, I should have. I want to see my kids and grandkids grow up and be 1/2 the grandparent both of our parents have been to our kids. Heck I am still working on being a good wife, mom and co-worker, and friend. I thank God for the courage to go through with the surgery and all my friends and loved ones that prayed for me.


I like to do a good job at anything I try. And I did hit this one out of the Park!! Like I bragged about in a previous blog...if they said you could have a symptom afterward... I got it!!




That I jump out of this FOG..I can't begin to explain, and am realizing today it is the hearing loss. I am a little scared about the hearing deal. I looked up on the net some costs, etc. NOT GOOD..UGH. I just need to chill and pray and have faith about that.


That I stay positive

That I stay patient

That I continue to thank and love all those that are caring for me and praying for me. ...and not take any of it for granted



Walks (nothing much)

I looked up some Vestibular Exercises to strengthen my balance

Chewing gum

Napping (ok...maybe that should not fall under this category)


I will check in next week and update with improvement.



Staples out a week from tomorrow

Walk a lot more

Take frequent trips with Dad and Mom out of the house

Get the oil out of my hair



More FROM MOM!!!!!!!

Post Op day Three (Thursday)


Had a decent morning again and then went downhill, a little, not too bad. Took two pain shots that day, and then figured out, if i quit taking the pain shots, I could get the IV out… so I chose lighter pills after that, and felt better. (I am a weenie and am more afraid of what might come, than just wanting to wait it out and see if I can handle it- in the case of pain :)

Saw both surgeons that night. They both said I could go home in 2 days on Saturday.


I was not too thrilled with that, so I grabbed Guy and we started walking the hall way, while he was visiting other patients and we kept talking and cutting up with him. I think he got the hint, because he came back and said we could probably go home tomorrow (or maybe he got tired of us stalking and bothering him on his rounds).


So with that good news, we went in the room and decided to work on the INFAMOUS Comb Over. I think it was a stress to our marriage, because I was telling him to COMB it out, and he was looking at this crystallized, greasy, lumpy dark stuff on my head and did not know where to start. We ended up compromising and put HOT rags of water on my head…and then he started ripping and combing. I enjoyed the attention, but I don't think he was having much fun pulling out hunks hair with gunk and fearing what else might happen. He was brave, and I ended the night with a nice slick do instead of a Comb Over. OH MY, not much improvement in the Looks category- but it felt great.


Post Op Day Four-



Great night!! Slept, (I guess the slick doo was more comfortable to sleep with) did not take any hard pain that helped me feel better too.

Dad and Guy came in at about 10:00. We talked and I picked at my lunch and got some GOOD fresh fruit from my Mother. Then we walked.


I was on a mission to find the Doctor. I figured he would be around in between surgeries, and if I missed him I would have to stay another night.


My Dad and Guy went and took some stuff to the car. Dad suggested I stay around and quit walking, so I would not miss him. Well..the minute I started turning into my room, I HEARD his voice at the elevator (yep, he did not take all my hearing!)


I got so excited, I literally scooted down the hall ( ok, you have to imagine a very large woman who has bleary sight, bad balance, and is on a mission) and lunged at him. (He is not a large guy) Thank goodness I did not fall on him. I said, I am so sorry to interrupt (yes, the minute I grabbed him, I realized he was in the MIDDLE of a conversation with another doctor!) he laughed, thank goodness, and said he was coming to see me. I started to scoot back to the room, and the other doctor started laughing and asked if I was a patient or employee.


Well, the mission was won and we were in route for the Ranch (my parents live in Fair Oaks Ranch, Texas- right outside of San Antonio) by 4:00!! Beat Rush HOUR!!


Post Op Day Five-



Slept well last night.


Good things:

Not much pain (headache and throbbing)

Easy to get comfortable


Bad Things:

Everything on the left side does not work.

No taste

No salvia

No Swalling ability

Eye Dry

Eye Blurry

Lip is numb

smile droops a little



Two walks outside

little trip to Wal Mart


Post Op Day Six-



Same as above. Realized I did mess up my mouth due to being a PIG. (yes, One of my main vices of life) I kept eating stuff, even when it did not feel right trying to get full, and enjoy something. The fruit acid and harder foods, tore up my throat and mouth - so I am taking a more Lady like approach and eating little and soft. Those that know my current physique, understand this will not hurt me. BUT GOSH DARN IT ALL... ya'll should see this goodie basket I got from my co-workers. I NEED TO EAT IT!!




Activities: Walk outside

Sunday, April 19, 2009

words and thoughts from mom.

Mom’s own words—A look into POST OP Day 1 & 2


Post Op starts the day after your surgery, so my first Post op Day was Tuesday April 14, 2009.


Post Op Day One:

I was in the ICU until evening….

Kicked me out pretty early, but they were slow, and the nurse, Elizabeth, was so kind, she said she was going to keep me, until they got another patient so she could spoil me more.

I had a good time, No pain (lots of Morphine juice up there) and was situated right by the Nurses Break Room. I said hi and waived to everyone and tried to remember their names when they went in and out. By mid morning, they had a Birthday Party for their supervisor and I told one of the nurses to tell her Happy Birthday for me...since I heard them singing. The birthday nurse came out and offered me a piece of cake. YUM... no I did not take it, but was complimented I was included in the party.


Had an ice pack for headache and pressure, - it dripped - freaked me out, I thought it was the big bad CFS (Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension (SIH) is a condition where a patient gets postural headaches due to a leak of the Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) in the spinal membrane) leak you have to watch out for, but then passed out before I could figure out how to call Elizabeth.

My blood pressure went crazy twice, and Elizabeth just kept on it until medicine worked. I was kinda freakin' about that. I did not want to die of a stroke, when i had lived through all the other. UGH.


Got to go to my room. They really went above and beyond and gave me a private room. Of course I said, PLEASE don't charge me for one. They said they try and do that for the folks out of town. Had a pretty bad evening and night, but was doing good by the next day.


5:00am on Post Op Day Two

Took a photo with my phone to Text Everyone with my comb-over hair do. Extremely board and awake- I am sure due to all the pain medication. I got up and bathed a little in the bathroom by myself. Felt very daring... changed out of gown into some sweats, then tried to eat some food.

Went downhill the rest of that day. I was trying to get off of medicine and probably should have gone with the flow. I could not get up or move without getting sick. By evening was really cruddy. Got pain meds, IV back and decided to chill and go with all the drugs I could get through that night.



I think it worked.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

more updates

Mom is having a much better day. IV is out and she is eating! Nausea is gone but there are still head aches. (duh.. you had surgery there).......

I talked to mom today she said we need to catch up haha she is making me laugh so much lately!!!
QUOTE OF THE DAY: "Who is your boyfriend these days? (when replied no one she said--) "Well who is your main man then?!"

Keep praying-she is still having terrible headaches & "wicked" nurses....

lots of love.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sympathy Pain

I cant sleep either haha.

Mom had a good and bad day today. She tried to get off of the IV but the headaches and sickness is still affecting her a lot. She is back on the IV juice. She can't keep food down so we will try again tomorrow. Pray that the headaches will go away.

Bad Headaches!

They took mom off the morphine and she is having terrible headaches.
Dad is searching the hospital for Dt. Mountain Dew for her and nurses are applying warm rags to her head.
She got up to use the restroom already and wants to try to shower by the end of today.
My mom is amazing!!

Words from MOM!!

A 'comb over" just not right on a middle aged woman ! I think i got a whole 1o min sleep ... Coffee & steroids , no sleep BUT no headache~ who needs sleep ! Miss ya'll ! Thank you so much for your prayers - i am doing great. One day down & counting 

Lynne Anne

Monday, April 13, 2009

prayers of love and we're on the road to recovery.

Dear Mom,



It’s 1:30 am my time but I am going to bed and will rest knowing you are okay.

The doctors said that everything went GREAT!

Were you excited to see Uncle Ernie? I promised Mema that I wouldn’t tell, she would have been not happy with me, I knew all along that he was coming (I am such a good secret keeper haha)!!

I heard you were very polite to the surgeons and the first thing that you said when you were able to talk was “Thank you very much now go home and get some rest”…

And I’m pretty sure you are mad at Dad right now for bringing Uncle Ernie into the room to see you when you were about to as dad says “barf all over”….haha Dad and everyone will be back to see you in the morning right at 10am.

I love you so so so much and I am so PROUD OF YOU.

I’ll be home soon to take care of you and Lesley—


P.S. don’t get mad but I had to go to the doctor today haha yes our family is falling a part a little but we’ll be ok.


Everyone loves you and I thought you would like to read some of these later.




Meagan Hale at 11:17pm April 13 via Facebook Mobile

Hey I am glad Aunt Lynne is out of surgery. Tell her I love her and I am thinking of yall. Love you


Lorrie Palmer Williams at 11:19pm April 13

YAY!!! Thanks for the update and thank you, God, for the good news!


Herb Pettit at 11:22pm April 13

That is great news!!! Now the healing begins... I wish we were closer so I could help you guys out.


Kelly Hamill Petty at 11:24pm April 13

Glad to hear the great news!


Melissa Babcock Winter at 11:25pm April 13

So thankful! Prayers will continue...


Glenn D Bonner at 11:32pm April 13

Give he a "gentle" hug!



Gris Salamanca at 11:49pm April 13

Thank goodness all is well.


Mark Johnson at 11:57pm April 13

Been praying for you all!


Patty Monroe Thomas at 12:02am April 14

So glad the prayers have worked for you all, we will keep praying for a speedy recovery



Trevor Bulls at 5:39pm April 13

Guy ... I have been praying for Lynne today. We gathered in staff meeting this morning and spent time praying for her. We love you guys! We are praying for you! I will call you later this evening and see how things went! If you need anything before then, call me ....


Kristie Langham Hale at 5:50pm April 13

Guy -- we too prayed for Lynne and the rest of the family in staff meeting today. We are contiuing. Love you!


Donna Wardwell Balko at 5:59pm April 13

Hey Guy.....Thanks for the update via FB. Am praying for your family!!


Nathan Bauer at 7:27pm April 13

praying for you guys.


Lorrie Palmer Williams at 7:38pm April 13

Waiting is hard! Thanks for the update!


Steve Birkhead at 11:10am April 13

praying for Lynne and you as well....birk


Greg Gillette at 11:57am April 13


I will be praying for Lynne, and your entire family.



Kristie Langham Hale at 12:03pm April 13

We are praying for you. Please call if I can do anything. Love you both!


Greg Davis at 12:10pm April 13

Know that youa re loved and Lynne is in the best hands ever..


Janice Hopkins at 12:21pm April 13

I am praying for competent and kind medical personnel and for you and Lynne.


Lorrie Palmer Williams at 12:35pm April 13

Prayed for you guys this morning. let us know when you hear anything. Love you!


Lindsey Perehoduk thinking of you and praying for your mom!

Today's Schedule

Guy Langham Still waiting. After 3 hours, the surgery continues. Thankful for all the prayers and well wishes.

UPDATE--Mom didn't go to surgery until 1:40 Central time.

No news thus far--Dad and Uncle Ernie are patiently waiting at the hospital and will update me as we hear things.

Thank you again for prayers.

Mom is in pre-op right now until 12pm central time...

Surgery begins at 12...

more updates coming.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

little love notes.

Dear Mom, 
I know that I can't be with you tomorrow (because you wont let me wink wink) but know that I will be thinking about you all day long-I will be taking you to all of my classes tomorrow haha. Know that starting even before you get to the hospital tomorrow people will be on their knees in prayer about everything that will happen tomorrow. You are so strong and I love you with all my heart. Get better soon-we have a lot of office watching to do & if you're nice I might even watch Jane Eyre with you...

P.S. I laughed tonight thinking about you and your crazy clip on your hair when you are in lazy clothes and you dancing around the house---miss you mom. love love love love love love love you.
Your Katelyn Claire

Love floods us with hope.
Surgery @ 12pm central time.
thanks for the love and prayers.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Her thoughts.

"You have to remember you will be with me. You, Daddy and Lesley will be the last thing I pray about before I envision God's Angels wings wrapping around me ... then I will wake, and everything will be great, and I will start counting down the days until you are HOME. " -Mom

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Henry Jack.

Sir Henry Jack Langham

"A dog has no use for fancy cars or big homes or designer clothes. Status symbol means nothing to him. A waterlogged stick will do just fine. A dog judges others not by their color or creed or class but by who they are inside. A dog doesn't care if you are rich or poor, educated or illiterate, clever or dull. Give him your heart and he will give you his.”

Mom’s best friend had to be put to sleep today. Henry was our 185 lb. Great Dane love bug. He was born on Oct. 3rd, all of the kids in our family are October babies. Henry has been with us through thick in thin all the way from Georgia, to Texas, to Tennessee, and then to Oklahoma. He had a big bark but was afraid of a 5 lb. Chihuahua!!! He loved to sit in your lap and to steal Lesley’s and my stuffed animals. We will never forget the sound of Henry getting a drink in the kitchen-who could?! When he was a baby he LOOOOVED icebones he soon graduated to “cookies”. He was as stubborn as anything – but we loved him anyway. We will never look in the backyard without remembering Henry doing ZOOMIES like he was just a puppy again. Henry didn’t like scary movies—he considered anything with guns or loud music scary-he insisted to be covered up completely at night (on his twin size bed with his baby held in between his paws). He loved to snuggle with mom (they took the best naps together)


We love you Henry Jack.

(P.S. I’m sorry I complained about having to pick up your poop!)

Henry—I promise to take care of mom just like you would have after the surgery. You were the best dog ever—Tell Sophie, Gracie, and Charlie we love them and miss them. Love-your sister Kate.

This is my favorite picture of Henry--I'm glad I got to take this with my camera.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Mom's Surgery...

is April 13th (next Monday) at 12pm.

pray for my beautiful mom, her and my dad leave on Sunday for San Antonio--

lots of love.
"baby kate"